LaboZert GmbH


For the auditor function of medical laboratories for LaboZert, the auditor must demonstrate professional and personal competence.

Depending on the laboratory profile, the expert auditors of LaboZert, medical specialists, clinical chemists, biologists, and medical and technical assistants have a high level of technical expertise and corresponding knowledge of the standards on which the certification is based.

The assessors are trained separately and regularly for the certifications offered by LaboZert.

Auditor - Selection Process

Are you interested in becoming a LaboZert auditor? The following process explains step by step the selection process of our auditors.

1. Requirement
2. Application
3. Check
4. Approval
1. Requirement

Due to his audit function of medical laboratories for LaboZert, the auditor must demonstrate professional and personal competence.


Professional Expertise:

  • At least 5 years of experience in medical laboratories, dating back no more than 5 years.


Personal Expertise:

  • impartial
  • able to make decisions
  • trustworthy
  • diplomatic
  • versatile
  • self-confident
2. Application

Via the following link, the auditor fills in his application online: Auditor-Application


3. Check

After receipt of the application and submitted documents, they are reviewed internally. We take the following criteria into account:

  • the experience of the expert in medical laboratories
  • the technical competence of the expert
  • Possible conflicts of interest within the scope of the reviewer's function

In an interview (by telephone or in person), we get to know the applicant and compare interests. The final decision lies with the managing director of LaboZert GmbH.

4. Approval

The auditor receives official confirmation of the auditor function from LaboZert. The basic principles for the activity as an auditor are defined in a framework agreement.

After signing by both parties, the appraiser receives a half-day training course. LaboZert bears the costs for this course.


As part of the appraiser role for LaboZert, you are required to attend regular training sessions. The training takes place at least once a year. LaboZert bears the costs for the training.

Every two years, your professional competence is evaluated in a meeting with the managing director of LaboZert GmbH.

Auditor Application